Culture and Art for Restorative Justice (CA4RJ)

Culture and Art for Restorative Justice (CA4RJ)

Using the power of restorative justice art to increase cultural awareness and thus contribute to the successful integration of migrant communities across Europe

Grant Agreement 2020-1-UK01-KA227-ADU-094445

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Culture and Art for Restorative Justice (CA4RJ) has been created in order to bring a strategic partnership of VET providers, cultural and art organisations from across Erasmus+ so that the power of art and restorative justice can be used to increase cultural awareness and thus contribute to the successful integration of migrant communities at one of the most challenging times for Europe. 

Building on the key restorative justice principles of power sharing, equality and involvement and decision making, the project will involve both people with migrant background and native-born people from the hosting communities. It will bring them together and provide them the chance to collaborate in educational and creative activities, using art as a vehicle to identify shared challenges they face due to Covid-19 crisis. 

CA4RJ will create educational tools for professionals working with migrants—including immigration officers, educators, community workers, public servants in the health and justice systems, and human rights activists—enabling them to integrate restorative justice and art into their service delivery. Furthermore, the training material will allow them to support migrants in holding restorative justice dialogues with their hosting communities that will ultimately increase cultural awareness, boost cohesion and prevent the attitudes that gradually lead to divisions. 

Project Aims

  • Increasing cultural awareness and migrant integration through the use of art and restorative justice
  • Developing a training programme and interactive tools for professionals working with migrants, allowing them to better support their clients in the integration process moving to the UK
  • Creating an Ebook with chapters written by the partners in their native languages, capturing all the learning from the project, which will be distributed by EBSCO to over 180,000 institutions 

The successful and organic integration of migrants into EU hosting societies remains problematic for many national migrant policies. This is a persistent Europe-wide challenge, which has now become more urgent, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has disrupted our lives and societies, and extensive research is showing that the pandemic has already revealed and exacerbated pre-existing socioeconomic inequalities of migrants, a group facing the additional burden of xenophobia and discrimination. Partners from across the EU have come together on this project to help address this issue and will hold three transnational project meetings throughout the duration of the project in Greece, Spain, and Turkey.

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Project Intellectual Outputs

Culture and Art for Restorative Justice Training Manual

IO1 will feature in the form of an e-book that will act as a Training Manual focusing on the use of restorative art and cultural awareness for migrants' integration.

Culture and Art for Restorative Justice training courses and pilots with workers and cultural / creative professionals

IO2 will feature in the form of a face-to-face training programme and e-course that will be addressed to workers and professionals as well as to cultural/ creative professionals working with migrants. After the development of the programme, we will pilot it in all participating countries (face-to-face and e-course) and across Europe (in the form of an accredited e-


Culture and Art for Restorative Justice pilots with migrants

IO3 will take the form of pilots with migrants and the construction of an evidence base for using art and culture for their integration.

Culture and Art for Restorative Justice E-book

IO4 will be the ultimate pride and concluding IO of the project. This output will bring together all the research, pilots, learning and findings of the project into one e-book that will feature chapters in the participating languages as well as a comparative chapter in English. This e-book will be the first in the area, paving the way for Europe. The e-book will

be the biggest legacy of the project.

Project Value

Culture and Art for Restorative Justice (CA4RJ) responds to the need across Europe to foster cultural awareness and support migrants’ integration. The project’s tailored and evidence-based accredited trainings and other social actions will empower professionals working with migrants to incorporate art and restorative justice into their service delivery. This project follows on the heels of the ‘Culture and Art for Unity’ project organized by RJ4All, which received multiple awards from the London Mayor. The ‘Culture and Art for Unity’ project was a children-lead, community cohesion project that provided educational and recreational activities to marginalised children, giving them the opportunity to create original, digital art that brought local culture to life. Culture and Art for Restorative Justice (CA4RJ) builds upon the success of the ‘Culture and Art for Unity’ program, using the power of art and restorative justice to foster community cohesion and migrant integration.

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