Accommodating a travelling life

Accommodating a travelling life (ATL) Grant Agreement N: KA202-B7EFAEB8

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Project Motivation and Aims
Homelessness is the most extreme example of social exclusion in modern Western societies. Homeless people not only lack access to a stable housing. They also lack access to other basic needs, recognized as human rights, such as health services, employment or even a reasonably proper nutrition. Life on the streets is a constant struggle to find food and a safe place to spend the night. And, if this was not enough, homeless people are often subject to mockery, violence and exploitation. Those trying to get out of homelessness face multiple difficulties and barriers and have no one to turn to. 

Accommodating a travelling life (ATL) project is framed within the need of offering innovative and effective solutions to persons who find themselves living in the streets. With this project, we will help organizations working in the field to conduct more effective interventions with persons living in the street by involving persons with first-hand experience in the in the intervention process. 

The ATL methodology will incorporate the Restorative Justice approach with the objective of contributing to the reestablishment of family and friendship ties and thus favouring re-integration. It will address the reintegration of homeless people from a respectful, unconditional approach, based on listening and dialogue, which does not judge or criticize.

Project Objectives

  • To produce a training model for individuals with previous experiences of homelessness, to use their own prior experience of overcoming it, to support others who are currently struggling with homelessness.
  • To create an online training service to replicate ATL training model,
  • To develop a board game that encapsulates the teachings of the training model
  • To organise an awareness campaign to promote a change in third sector organizations' model ad to address the situation of homeless people


Our Partners

Check out the project's theory of change here.


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