Our Cultures

Live with Culture – Live the Culture "Our Cultures"
Grant Agreement 2020-1-UK01-KA227-SCH-094521
Founded on the values of restorative justice

Visit the Project's Website

Project Motivation
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating socio-economic impact on the cultural and artistic sectors, as arts and education centres could not remain open due to social distancing measures. In addition to the immense financial consequences these organisations suffered, the promotion of culture and art as tools for cohesion almost disappeared from community settings. In this context, it is crucial that we take steps to protect and develop cultural heritage and creative expression, particularly in educational settings with young people.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated divisive conditions across the globe. More so than before, people are more isolated from opportunities for cultural exchange and mutual understanding. In light of this, digital approaches are particularly important to promoting cultural awareness and encouraging social inclusion. 

The Our Cultures project focuses on providing creative, digital learning material that promotes cultural awareness among students and educators. The project aims to create tools, resources, and materials that encourage creativity and multicultural learning. Our main goal is to create active learning opportunities in formal and non-formal educational settings through the use of technology in arts and education.

Project Aims

The key objective of the Our Cultures project is to increase curiosity and tolerance among students and educators through the use of digital tools and creative learning. Through this project, students and young people will be able to experience virtual cultural exchange with communities across Europe.

The project will provide students with opportunities to learn about cultural heritage in the regions where our partners live through the use of interactive online learning tools as well as an accredited e-course. The Our Cultures project will:

  • Encourage digital cultural exchange during a time when face-to-face exchange is limited due to the pandemic
  • Help students realise the various dimensions of culture through the use of digital tools and creative learning
  • Develop students’ digital literacy, collaboration and critical thinking skills.
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