Sailing the Mayflower to Equality and Justice

Sailing the Mayflower to Equality and Justice 
In 1620, exactly 400 years ago, migrants sailed from from Rotherhithe to the New World on a boat named "Mayflower". His crew and passengers became the first permanent European settlers in America. Their journey and their ship became, therefore, an historical symbol of migration and his challenges. 

In light of the increase in hate crimes and divisions between newcomers and local citizens, the Restorative Justice for All Institute ran the "Sailing the Mayflower to Equality and Justice" project in 2020, which celebrated this momentous historic event.
The 2020 FRED Youth Awards

In order to celebrate the journey of the Mayflower and his historical importance, we launched an online competition and organised a youth award ceremony that took place in October 2020.
The online competition 
The online competition was addressed to young people who wanted to express and share their ideas on the theme "the celebration of the sailing of the Mayflower as a symbol of migrants integration".  

Submissions fell within the below categories: 
  • Visual arts 
  • Performing arts 
  • Writing 
  • Community 
You can check out the submissions and the winners here

The Youth Award Ceremony 
At the end of the competition, a Youth Award Ceremony was organised in which the most inspiring pieces of work were awarded a prize

All submission were evaluated by the Youth Management Board

The Board is now expanding and offering high quality volunteering opportunities certified through the Youth Pass 
Join the YMB


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