RDaVR Presents Pro-social value systems: resilience, dialogue and trust-building

RDaVR Presents its UK Multiplier Event 2

"Using restorative dialogue to address radicalisation: Developing Pro-social values systems."

Tuesday 21st March 2023

The RJ4All Rotherhithe Community Centre, 30 Plough Way, London SE16 2LJ

We are delighted to announce the upcoming event "Using Restorative Dialogue to Address Radicalisation: Developing Prosocial Values System,"  as a follow-up second multiplier event for the “Restorative Dialogue against Violent Radicalisation” (RDaVR) project. Join us for presentations, interactive workshops and discussions about restorative dialogue and the project’s outcomes!


As a continuation of RJ4ALL's broader initiative aimed at Preventing & Addressing Violent Radicalisation and Extremism, this follow-up event will use the principles of restorative justice, including open dialogue and power-sharing and will contribute to the project transferability. The event will serve as an ideal opportunity for professionals working with young people at risk of marginalisation and radicalisation, community members and relevant stakeholders from youth organisations to connect and expand their knowledge and networking. By sharing the project's methodology and strategic partnership lessons, we hope to encourage wider adoption and integration of these practices, thus ensuring their ongoing sustainability and effectiveness.

The event's main objectives are to disseminate the project's results and outputs to key UK and EU stakeholders, support the project's transferability and replication strategy by delivering the results of the project and showing 'what works', engage potential new stakeholders, funders, and users of the platform, program, and tools beyond the life of the project, and showcase the user-led methodology of the project.

We will invite participants to engage in plenary and shorter group discussions as a chance to “Speak up”. This event will provide the space for expression and the amplification of local and international voices around the use of restorative justice principles to prevent violent radicalisation and extremism.

3:30 pm - Arrival & registration

3:45-4:00 pm - Keynote speech: 
Dr Theo Gavrielides (RJ4All Founder & Director)

4:00-5:00 pm - Community Discussion
"Voicing concerns: Dialogue & power-sharing in Rotherhithe"  - restorative justice circle 

5:00-5:30 pm - Presentation of RDaVR results and impact:
“Implementation Methods: How to Use Restorative Dialogue to Address and Prevent Violent Radicalisation”, Sofia Sideridou (Project Officer RJ4All) 

5:30-6:00 pm - “RDaVR Recommendations for National and EU policymakers”, Andriana Douliou 

 6:00-6:30 pm - "Restorative Dialogue Against Violent Radicalisation" Project Findings from Ireland, Spain, Italy, Romania & Turkey, Project Partners  

Closing remarks

Interested in RDaVR's first UK Multiplier Event?

"Pro-social value systems: Resilience, Dialogue and Trust-building"

Tuesday 14th February 2023

The RJ4All Rotherhithe Community Centre, 30 Plough Way, London SE16 2LJ

 As part of our Erasmus-funded Restorative Dialogue Against Violent Radicalisation (RDaVR) project, we were pleased to hold this event for young people, families, youth workers,  community members and other stakeholders for the project's closing UK multiplier event!

As part of RJ4All's wider programme on Preventing & Addressing Violent Radicalisation and Extremism,  the RDaVR project was set up to respond to the increasing phenomenon of violent radicalisation, extremism and nationalism across Europe. There was a need for a new approach that will help to prevent young people from engaging in these activities. 

How did the project work to achieve this? What did they find? How can methods be used as a tool to empower young people and the community? 

Join us to explore these questions and more through interactive workshops, with a focus on team building, maintaining trust, and strengthening resilience. The event is organised using the values of restorative justice such as dialogue and power sharing.

10:00 am - Arrival & registration

10:15 am - Dave Walker & Melanie Bruce, Restorative Justice 
Practitioners, Keynote Speakers 

10:45 am - Presentation of results and impact: 
"Raising awareness about radicalisation & developing pro-social value systems",
Sofia Sideridou (Project Officer RJ4All)

"Restorative Dialogue Against Violent Radicalisation" Project Findings from Ireland, Spain, Italy, Romania & Turkey, Project Partners  

11:15 am - Arts-based workshop: 
Working together to design and re-purpose 

1:15 pm  - Team and trust building workshop: 
Dialogue & power-sharing in Rotherhithe 

2:15 pm - Discussion 

Background to the event: Restorative Dialogue Against Violent Radicalisation  
Funded by Erasmus+, RDaVR is a project built on the concepts of dialogue and restorative justice and aims to prevent violent radicalisation and extremism amongst young people across Europe. The project is built on the expertise and experience of seven organisations across six Erasmus countries, which together will develop, pilot and disseminate an innovative model that will improve the knowledge and confidence of professionals working with those at risk of becoming radicalised.  

At this very final project phase and having completed all Intellectual Outputs, this Multiplier Event is the culmination of the dissemination, replication and sustainability effort of the project and the consortium. This closing international event aims to bring together local and international participants in order to present the project activities, results and outcomes as well as the learning from the project itself, securing knowledge-sharing, networking and practical activities through interactive workshops. 

The main objectives of this transnational event are: 
i) to disseminate the results of the project and its outputs 
ii) to support the project transferability and replication strategy by delivering the results of the project and showing 'what works'
iii) showcase the user-led methodology of the project and organise user-led workshops. 

Please check out our free resources including research summaries and training handbooks to download!

Interested in Joining? Please get in touch and Let us know!


Grant Agreement N: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079115




The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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