CA4RJ Presents - Creative Workshop! Let's be together with Restorative Justice Art!

CA4RJ Presents

"Creative Workshop! Let's be together with Restorative Justice Art!"

Tuesday 20th June 2023

The RJ4All Rotherhithe Community Centre, 30 Plough Way, London SE16 2LJ

We are delighted to announce the upcoming workshop "Let’s be together with Restorative Justice Art!"  for the “Culture & Art for Restorative Justice” (CA4RJ) project.

As part of our Erasmus-funded Culture and Art for Restorative justice Art (CA4RJ) project, we are pleased to hold this user-led event for young people, families, workers/ cultural and creative professionals working with migrants, as well as community members, restorative justice and mental health practitioners, several civil society organisations and migrants’ centres and other stakeholders, both with migrant background and native-born people, for the project's closing UK multiplier event!

This closing international event aims to bring together local and international participants in order to present the project activities, results and outcomes as well as the learning from the project itself, securing knowledge-sharing, networking and practical activities through interactive workshops. 


A few words about the Project

Structured around the concept of “restorative justice art”, CA4RJ has been created in order to bring a strategic partnership of VET providers, cultural and art organisations from across Erasmus+ so that the power of art and restorative justice can be used to increase cultural awareness and thus contribute to the successful integration of migrant communities at one of the most challenging times for Europe. 

There is a need for a new approach that involves both people with migrant background and native-born people from the hosting communities and brings them together to collaborate in creative activities, using art as a vehicle to identify shared challenges.

How did the project work to achieve this? What did they find? How can methods be used as a tool to empower migrants and the hosting community?

Join us to explore these questions and more through interactive workshops, networking sessions, presentations from the team and a final plenary session with our “take-aways” from the day. The entire event is built on the key restorative justice principles of power sharing, equality and involvement and decision making.

Please check out our free resources:

Interested in Joining? Please Get in touch and let us know


Grant Agreement N: 2020-1-UK01-KA227-ADU-094445




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