
Grant Agreement 2020-1-UK01-KA226-SCH-094537 

The Use of Web 2.0 and Asynchronous Education Tools in Distance Education (TiDE)



COVID19 had and will continue to have many devastating impacts on all. The educational systems had to adapt very quickly, and research is now showing that remote education and e-training activities are increased. The changes observed in information and communication technologies change social life as well as reshape the educational and business environments that require access to information, creating information, and using information. 

Today, education should be in an approach that equips students according to the uncertainty, complexity, and technological needs of the future, in accordance with the phenomena that come into our lives such as cybernetics, robotics, big data, nano technology, artificial intelligence, global citizenship and the digital age and the concept of “Industry 4.0”.

Remote education is one of the areas where technology is used the most. In many countries of the world, a fast and compulsory transition has been made to distance education due to the pandemic. Distance education is an educational process in which the student is active, contributes to the content, uses different web 2.0 and asynchronous training tools, and allows individual development. 
Web 2.0 tools include tools on the internet that allow users to create shareable content and interact with others. They can be free digital programs used for sharing student-made projects. Asynchronous online learning refers to the possibility for students to view instructional materials and engaging digital learning content online in their own time. 
For this reason, the starting point of our project is to provide a quality and efficient education in distance education, to be active teachers and students, and to use different web 2.0 and asynchronous education tools effectively.

Main Objectives

Intro video

Web 2.0 Tools for Distance Education: Introduction Series


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